RWE N Power - 30/01/2014 - 31/10/2014

RWE N Power - 30/01/2014 - 31/10/2014 1RWE N Power - 30/01/2014 - 31/10/2014 2RWE N Power - 30/01/2014 - 31/10/2014 3

RWE Asbestos & Demolition advice & training

The Challenge

The German Power organisation RWE is a major electricity generating and supply company,
they have a number of coal and oil fired Power Stations in the UK that are at the
end or close to the end of their useful life; DIdcot, Fawley & Tilbury.

RWE wish to adequately plan for these forthcoming demolitions to ensure the highest
standards of safety and healt is maintained whilst minimising the environmental impact of the works.

My Solution

In the Autumn of 2013 Lukasz Krasowski - RWE H&S Manager based in Germany and the UK attended our 2 Day Demolition & Refurbishment Safety Management course held in the NW of England.  Following his course he recommended me to his colleagues at RWE and I was invited to visit the sites, receive
a brief and prepare bespoke courses for RWE.

These first bespoke 3 day courses in March and May 2014 have been well received and found extremely useful by the attendees; further courses are likely.

The Result

The 1st course was held at Tilbury Kent, a 2nd at Fawley Hampshire and a 3rd at Didcot with others planned.
 My/Our Comments

I am enjoying working with RWE on these exciting and challenging projects providing specialist bespoke training to meet specific training needs.

I continue to provide project support to the delivery team currently (Oct 2014) on enabling works at Tilbury.

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